Clearwater’s Guide to Summer 2021
This is a dynamic page updated with the latest information as plans are made.
(Last update was made on Monday, July 12, 2021 @3:45 PM – CST)
The guide below is organized for the audience (Campers & Their Families, Staff, and Community) and then by topic to help you easily find the information you need and the answers to your questions. If you have a question that we haven’t addressed below, please submit it here.
Or contact the Clearwater office at 715-356-5030. We promise a quick response.
Please use this button below if you would like to review and read all the previous email updates.
Our Commitment
Clearwater’s board and staff are committed to providing the best possible Clearwater Camp experience in 2021. The Clearwater spirit will shine on! While this summer will have all the magic of past summers, there will be modifications to ensure camper and staff health and safety.
We know you can’t wait to be in the beautiful Northwoods and that you probably have lots of questions. This 2021 Summer Guide provides our plans and the latest information.
At this time, the recommendations regarding best practices to minimize the spread of COVID-19 and to keep people healthy and safe continue to evolve. Please be assured that our team is working diligently to study all the information available as well as seeking guidance from the State of Wisconsin, the American Camping Association (ACA), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), local health departments, and medical experts. Additionally, we are collaborating with other Northwoods camps on best practices.
Clearwater’s commitment to providing a safe environment for campers, families, staff, and our local community has always been paramount. As we create another memorable summer, with emphasis on increased health and safety measures, we appreciate your support and flexibility.
This tab summarizes the communications that we have sent. Each update directs you to the other tabs for more details, and the full emails containing these updates can be found HERE.
July 12, 2021 Update:
An email was sent to 2nd session families with important reminders about Opening Day (Monday, July 19) and testing. The email can be found HERE.
July 6, 2021 Update:
An email was sent to 2nd session families with important reminders about forms. The email can be found HERE.
July 2, 2021 Update:
An email was sent to 2nd session families with important reminders about their campers’ arrival and testing. The email can be found HERE. The tabs in this guide provide additional information. Please submit your questions HERE.
June 10, 2021 Update:
An email was sent to parents from our camp nurse, Alison Brown with Health & Pre-Camp COVID-19 Testing Updates. The “Health & Safety” tab has been updated accordingly.
June 2, 2021 Update:
An email was sent to parents with information about New Forms required in the Forms & Documents section of your CampMinder Accounts. The “Packing/Opening & Closing Days” and “Health & Safety” tabs have been updated accordingly.
May 25, 2021 Update:
An email was sent to parents with information about the Parent Meeting on Thurs, May 27, Current Updates, and Camper Meeting Recordings. The “Packing/Opening & Closing Days” and “Health & Safety” tabs have been updated accordingly.
May 14, 2021 Update:
An email regarding the approval of vaccines for ages 12-15 was sent to all camper families today. A summary of that email is provided under the “Health & Safety” tab.
May 6, 2021 Update:
An email summarizing the latest updates was sent to all camper families today. It includes updates from our camp nurse, Alison Brown, as well as information about submitting required forms in CampMinder by Saturday, May 15, shipping luggage, and Virtual Q/A Sessions for campers and parents.
For details on these updates, the following tabs were updated: Packing/Opening & Closing Days and Health & Safety
April 21, 2021 Update:
An email summarizing the latest updates was sent to all camper families. It included information about the updated 2021 Parent Handbook and 2021 Packing List. Those resources can be found HERE. After this date, additional 2021 updates will be posted in this Summer Guide.
March 31, 2021 Update:
A letter summarizing the March 31 updates was emailed to all camper families. To review these updates, please see the following tabs: Packing/Opening & Closing Days, Health & Safety, Camp Life, and Additional Information.
March 10, 2021: This Summer Guide was initiated with an email that was sent to the whole Clearwater community (Camper Families, Alums, Neighbors, and Staff).
We want to be sure our campers and staff are healthy when they arrive at camp. With everyone’s good health in mind, we will be sharing some information here to consider before camp starts. Updates about Preparing for Camp, Travel, Opening Day, and Closing Day are provided on this tab.
Please remember that in order to mitigate the spread of the virus, no visitors, including parents, will not be allowed at Clearwater this summer. This includes Opening and Closing Days, as well as the end-of-session activities. We will make updates to this on the “Visitors” tab.
Pre-Arrival Information:
Come to Camp Healthy: We highly encourage all families to consider the following:
- increased use of preventive measures 2 weeks prior to arrival at camp to mitigate the spread of COVID-19, such as health screenings and testing, hand hygiene, sanitizing, face masks, proper ventilation, and physical distancing.
- engage in low-risk activities and limit social gatherings to those in accordance with your state or local guidelines. Please avoid large events such as sporting events, concerts, festivals, weddings, and family reunions.
- We understand that first-session campers may be attending school close to Opening Day. Please reinforce all safe masking, physical distancing, and hygiene measures. (updated 3/31/21)
Pre-Camp Daily COVID-19 Health Check: You will find a red icon in your CampMinder Account (same place where you go to find Forms and Documents), where you can complete your DAILY questions for 10 consecutive days prior to the start of camp. The 2nd session campers will start daily health screening on July 9th. There are only 2 questions that you answer each day.
Testing: We plan to use COVID testing as a part of the pre-arrival plan for campers and staff in 2021 as well as during camp. Updates and details on COVID tests can be found on the “Health & Safety” tab. (updated 3/31/21)
Vaccinations: We are working to ensure that as many of our staff as possible are vaccinated by the time they arrive at Clearwater. Please see the “Health & Safety” tab to learn more about this.
We recommend getting the vaccine as soon as possible. As you may have seen, first session campers should get their first shot by May 19th, and second session campers should get their first shot by June 14th to be fully vaccinated by the time they arrive at camp. Once your camper receives their 2nd dose of the vaccine, please let us know by uploading your camper’s vaccination card or record into CampMinder. To continue to protect our bubble, we will not be able to accommodate campers leaving camp for vaccinations. We hope many of our camp parents will be vaccinated as well, helping to further lessen the chance of COVID-19 entering camp. However, since all of us cannot be vaccinated, we will continue to use appropriate social distancing, pods, and masks as well as not allowing visitors to camp this summer.
Deadline for Forms: All the forms (with the exception of your COVID-19 PCR test results that you will upload 1-3 days prior to the first day of camp) in CampMinder are due Saturday, May 15. As we have both new campers and we have not seen our returning campers in 2 years, it is particularly important for your forms to be submitted as soon as possible. Thoroughly reviewing all the information you provide about your camper(s) is one of our highest pre-camp planning priorities so that we are ready to welcome campers and know how we can best serve their unique needs or preferences. (updated 5/6/21)
Returning families, please upload a more recent photo of your camper into CampMinder. (updated 5/6/21)
FORMS UPDATE (6/2/2021):
For those of you that thought you had completed all the necessary forms, we have NEW FORMS related to Covid-19 testing for this summer.
1. Consent for Medical Testing: This form is required and available in your Forms and Documents area of CampMinder now. It will require your signature and date. Please complete this one now.
2. COVID-19 Latest Test Result: This form is required and available in your Forms and Documents area of CampMinder now. This PCR test is to be performed 24 – 72 hours prior to the start of camp.
- Your camper’s PCR negative results will need to be emailed to our nurse as soon as you receive the results. Alison will need these results prior to your camper entering camp on opening day. Her email is:
- Also, if you could scan and upload these results into your Forms and Documents area of CampMinder, Melinda will need this form on file.
Packing List
Our 2021 Packing List is similar to other summers, with the addition of a few items (like masks) designed for the health and safety of campers and staff. Use this button to access a printable version:
- Masks indoors (except while eating and in pods) will be included as part of our camp season. Campers will need to bring 10 masks that must be multi-layered and fit snugly around the face covering the nose and mouth. We will launder masks more frequently than our regular laundry.
- We ask campers to bring a few small bottles of hand sanitizer, though it will also be available at camp.
(updated 5/6/21)
Opening Day Information
If your camper(s) have symptoms consistent with COVID-19 on Opening Day, we encourage you to keep them home, and make arrangements for them to come to Clearwater when they are symptom-free. (updated 3/31/21)
Symptoms on Opening Day: If your camper has symptoms consistent with COVID-19 upon arrival at the Hwy. 51 office, at one of the bus locations, or the airport we will test them via a rapid antigen test that provides results within 15 minutes.
- A PCR test will be conducted in the case of a positive antigen test. The results will be back in approximately 24 hours.
- In the case of bus drop-offs or arrival at the Hwy. 51 office, the child will remain with their parents until camp receives the outcome of the test.
- Campers who travel via O’Hare, will not get on the bus with other campers if their rapid test is positive. A Clearwater representative will bring them to camp, and these campers will be isolated (with supervision and things to do). This protocol will also be used with the campers who travel into the local airports.
Travel: Specific information for Opening Day according to your mode of travel can be found in the:
Luggage: With our goal of safety and the “Hug & Head Out” method, sending luggage ahead of time to camp to arrive at least 3 days prior to the beginning of your child’s session is preferred. UPDATE: If you have extenuating circumstances, feel free to contact the office and we will make arrangements for specific situations. At the end of their session, campers are not required to ship their luggage home. They may take their luggage with them on the bus, in your car, or to the airport (except for those flying out of O’Hare MUST ship luggage back home).
Opening Day Camper Drop-Off: Prior to arrival, Melinda Pearce will email you about how Opening Day will work with your specific drop-off details (plane, bus, and car arrivals).
As one of our mitigation strategies, to limit close contact on Opening Day, we will employ the “Hug & Head Out” method of dropping off your campers this year. Parents will remain in their cars during all drop-off activities. This includes the bus drop-off locations, as well as the first car stop at our Hwy. 51 Office for health and lice screenings and the last car stop down at camp.
Car Arrivals: If your camper(s) will be arriving by car, you will receive a specific appointment time between 1 and 4 P.M. so that we can smoothly take care of health screenings and lice checks at the Hwy. 51 Office before you proceed to drop off your camper(s) at camp. We will assign by units so pods can form easily.
Our commitment to the health and safety of our campers and staff has always been a priority. Given that COVID-19 remains an ever-changing public health concern, we are dedicated to operating camp according to up-to-date expert health guidelines. The most up-to-date information about Health & Safety will be posted here.
We are sure you are aware of the news of the FDA approving the Pfizer Vaccine for the 12-15-year-old age group.
Vaccinating your child is not a requirement this summer; however, we strongly encourage everyone who can be vaccinated to be vaccinated before camp. Evidence shows that the greater the number of vaccinated people in camp will increase the safety of the entire camp.
We recommend getting the vaccine as soon as possible. First session campers should get their first shot by May 19th, and second session campers should get their first shot by June 14th in order to be fully vaccinated by the time they arrive at camp. Once your camper receives their 2nd dose of the vaccine, please let us know by uploading your camper’s vaccination card or record into CampMinder. To continue to protect our bubble, we will not be able to accommodate campers leaving camp for vaccinations.
Come to Camp Healthy:
- As we serve girls ages 8 through 16, as well as employ counselors and other staff, we are encouraging every member of our community to take personal responsibility to protect the health and safety of the whole community.
- While some of us may be vaccinated, we must remember that others in our community are unable to be vaccinated and we will maintain interventions, as needed, when we are gathered as a full camp (such as Flag Raising).
- We highly encourage all families to consider the increased use of preventive measures 2 weeks prior to arrival at camp to mitigate the spread of COVID-19, such as: health screenings and testing, hand hygiene, sanitizing, face masks, proper ventilation, and physical distancing.
- Masks do not need to be worn while in cabins or pods. Masks will be required when indoors or when mixing with others outside our pods.
- Daily Health Check: The 10 days prior to your campers’ arrival to camp, a daily health check must be completed. This two-question health screening can be accessed through CampMinder under Forms where you will record your answers daily.
If your child has symptoms consistent with COVID-19 on Opening Day, we encourage you to keep them at home, and make arrangements for them to come to Clearwater when they are symptom-free.
To help mitigate an outbreak, we are requiring all staff and campers to have a negative COVID-19 PCR test 24-72 hours prior to the arrival at camp. For 1st Session, Full Session & 1A campers, the earliest you can have a test done would be Sunday, June 20.
- Your camper’s PCR negative results will need to be emailed to our nurse as soon as you receive the results. Alison will need these results prior to your camper entering camp on opening day. Her email is:
- Also, please upload these results into your Forms and Documents area of CampMinder, Melinda will need this form on file.
We will also be performing PCR tests (using saliva) on all staff and campers on days 3 and 6 of camp, and rapid antigen tests upon arrival back from overnight trips. If your camper tests positive for COVID-19 within 90 days prior to coming to camp, these tests will not be required, and proof of the positive test will need to be emailed to our nurse, Alison Brown prior to arrival.
Options for Pre-Camp Testing: Tests are available at your local pharmacies like Walgreens or CVS, or Walmart. We found that googling “Where can I get a PCR COVID-19 test” works too. In addition, to try to make this easy, we have arranged 2 testing sites for campers. If you would like to participate, please RSVP so that we can be sure to have enough tests and staff available:
- Minocqua, WI Testing, Saturday, July 17: This will be available at our HWY 51 Officefrom 8 to 10 am. Please RSVP HERE.
- Chicagoland Testing, Sunday, July 18: The site is located at Elder Lane Park (299 Sheridan RD, Winnetka, IL) from 8 to 10 am. Please RSVP HERE.
Positive Cases:
First and foremost, your child will be treated with the utmost of care until you can come and pick them up. If your camper receives a positive PCR test result for COVID-19 while at Clearwater, you will need to pick them up within 24 hours if you live within 400 miles. If you live further than 400 miles from Clearwater, you will need to pick them up within 48 hours. If you cannot commit to this, we understand that this may not be the summer for your camper to attend Clearwater.
If your child is part of a group where another child tests positive for COVID-19, we will isolate that group of campers until we have an all-clear via testing. They will continue to participate in activities strictly within their isolation group until cleared.
Additional Health & Safety Reminders:
- Please be sure to have all of your camper’s paperwork and medical information uploaded to CampMinder or mailed to camp by Saturday, May 15th. This ensures we are up to date on all pertinent information to best keep your child safe and healthy.
- As a reminder from the Parent Handbook update on April 21, to help mitigate an outbreak, we are requiring all staff and campers to have a negative COVID-19 PCR test 24-72 hours prior to the arrival at camp that you will upload the results into CampMinder.
- We will also be performing PCR tests (using saliva) on all staff and campers on days 3 and 6 of camp, and rapid antigen tests upon arrival back from overnight trips. If your camper tests positive for COVID-19 within 90 days of their time at camp, these tests will not be required, and proof of the positive test will need to be emailed to Alison Brown prior to arrival.
- Please review the letter from our camp nurse, Alison Brown HERE for the latest health updates and information.
Clearwater’s mission remains unchanged. Our Summer 2021 planning team is working to safeguard the health and safety of campers and staff, while preserving the Clearwater experience. Updates about Camp Life will be posted here.
- Masks indoors (except while eating and in pods) will be included as part of our camp season. Campers will need to bring their own masks, and we have provided the number on the Packing List.
- We ask campers to bring a few small bottles of hand sanitizer, though it will also be available at camp.
- We will utilize pods (AKA “cohorts”) organized by cabin. Campers will participate in all activities in their pod until we have a reliable assessment of camper and staff health. Based on medical advice and no instances of COVID-19, we want to allow campers to mix across pods and will implement this in a graduated fashion.
- Campers will eat all meals with their pods. We will be eating outdoors as much as possible while operating in pods.
Updated 3/31/2021
Given our commitment to the health and safety of our campers and staff, Clearwater will be closed to outside visitors, including parents, while camp is in session. This includes during Opening and Closing Days, as well as end-of-session activities and events.
We will provide more details about drop off/pick up; and are looking into alternative ways to share end-of-camp activities with our campers’ families via photography and videos.
Updates regarding visitors will be provided here.
We know how much camp means to you and how eager we all are to return to our beloved Clearwater! We can’t thank you enough for your patience and support. Working together will ensure summer 2021 will be all we want it to be. We will post updates to answer questions we have heard, or that do not fit the other topic tabs.
March 31, 2021 Updates:
- Tuition balance will be due on April 15. A separate email with your invoice was sent March 22. If you have not received your invoice, please contact, Melinda Pearce at
- If your camper’s participation at camp ends early, Clearwater will refund your tuition charge, which will be prorated according to the number of days spent in camp.
- Please remember that there will be no visitors, including parents, allowed at Clearwater this summer.
- Important 2021 Dates can be found HERE.
When we make changes to this section, we will provide a summary of updates here. There are no updates to share at this time.
This summer will look different as we take extra precautions to ensure camper and staff health and safety. Additions and changes will be discussed in the interview process. As we draw closer to summer, there will be more detailed information provided to staff. Learn more about working at Clearwater HERE.
Community - Alums, Volunteers, Family Campers, Neighbors
When we make changes to this section, we will provide a summary of updates here.
Community Updates:
The Work Weekend tab was updated on Monday, March 15, 2021 @ 12:35 PM – CST. Please review that tab for more details.
The Family Camp tab was updated on Monday, April 5, 2021 @ 11:35 AM – CST. Please review that tab for more details.
We know how much you are all longing to be back at Clearwater! This is probably especially true following last year’s no camp summer. The good news is that we are planning on campers returning to Clearwater in June, and we are working hard to make it the best experience possible! While the Clearwater magic will remain, we need to make some modifications in order to fulfill our commitment to camper and staff health and safety.
One of these modifications is the decision not to hold Work Weekend. In addition, there will be no visitors (including parents) at camp while camp is in session. Meaning… camper drop-off and pick-up, events for parents, and all camp tours will not be allowed. Logistics for opening day and closing day will have to be reinvented. To be consistent with our safety protocols, we know this is the right decision to not hold Work Weekend in 2021.
**update was made on Monday, March 15, 2021 at 12:35 PM CST**
Family Camp is a wonderful tradition and great way for a whole family to enjoy Clearwater. However, we need to make some modifications in order to fulfill our commitment to camper and staff health and safety. One of these modifications is the decision not to hold Family Camp.
In addition, there will be no visitors (including parents) at camp while camp is in session. Meaning… camper drop-off and pick-up, events for parents, and all camp tours will not be allowed. To be consistent with our safety protocols, we know this is the right decision to not hold Family Camp in 2021.
**update was made on Monday, April 5, 2021 at 11:35 AM CST**
Given our commitment to the health and safety of our campers and staff, Clearwater will be closed to outside visitors, including parents, while camp is in session. Any updates regarding visitors will be provided here.
We know how much camp means to you and how eager we all are to return to our beloved Clearwater! We can’t thank you enough for your patience and support. Working together will ensure summer 2021 will be all we want it to be.
Stay tuned here – we will be posting the details you are looking for in the next several weeks.